Panariagroup entrusts O-One with the social media strategy of its brands Lea Ceramiche, Cotto d’Este, Ceramica Panaria and Protect 18 April 2017
"Escape from the city": the journey on board of Maserati is signed by O-One 7 December 2016
MyGlass chooses Industree Communication Hub to tell brand, products and services 14 November 2016
O-One is entrusted with the management of Lea Ceramiche social networks, among the stars of Cersaie 2016 28 September 2016
SAME, DEUTZ-FAHR and Lamborghini Trattori.: SDF chooses O-One for Facebook Communication Strategy 14 April 2016
Alfa Romeo at Frankfurt Motor Show 8 October 2015
#MaseratiBeat, O-One signs the new format branded entertainment of Maserati 23 September 2015