Durex Social Strategy

Talking about sex in a fun and playful way:
the success story of Durex on social networks

From the beginning of 2012 Durex has chosen O-One for the management of its presence on social networks. The first goal set by the customer has been shaping a new tone of voice, fresh and spontaneous by talk of sex and everything that revolves around it. Our daily challenge is to tell Durex as a lifestyle brand.

Durex Social Strategy

Our first key action was build online brand presence and decline it with the proper tone of voice on social networks, trying to create empathy with the audience. Once gained the trust and sympathy of our fan base, we aimed to grow the community  cinvolving it with content that spoke of sexuality through metaphors and common figure of speech, but served in “Durex sauce".

4 social pages managed by O-One 

+2 million interactions on Facebook

+40 thousand interactions on Twitter

Durex Play Design

At “Salone del Mobile” kermesse in Milan in 2013, O-One and Industree led Durex as an exhibitor at Design Week. The creative concept comes from the idea of proposing Sexy Toys Durex as design objects. It was set up in Tortona area a temporary store where it was exposed and sold all Durex Play product range. The temporary store was opened by an party attended by many VIP and special guests.

Durex Ambassadors Program

Durex Ambassador Program was born from the need of the customer to create a community Durex Lovers around the brand. The call to action is launched on social media via Facebook Tab and is addressed to those who love the brand so as to become spokespersons.
The Durex brand Ambassadors, just like the brand, must be in step with the times, casual and active on social.

The campaign Durex Ambassador is taken on all social media and get great results. The first wave of recruitment led the brand to embark on a path that led to an unexpected performance. To celebrate the achievements, Durex along with O-One and Industree organized the first Durex Ambassador Convention in Bologna.

During 2014 were selected 10 other new Ambassadors, with the involvement of senior Ambassadors who promoted the recruitment campaign.

+12,000 social content produced by the students

+60,000 interactions generated

+600,000 users reached on Twitter

Rocco Tieni Duro

"Rocco Tieni Duro" is the campaign that Durex Italy brought forward during the World Cup 2014.To manage it, O-One has partnered with Havas and Innov8 (Dentsu Aegis group).
The videos, which were broadcast on all channels 
and accompanied by social publishing plans tailored, had Rocco Siffredi as the protagonist, engaged in a difficult test to abstain from sex for the victory of the Italian national team.

“Rocco Tieni Duro” won first place for Best ADV campaign online and the hashtag #roccotieniduro came in third place as the best national hashtag. The campaign involved all social media Durex Italy: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and WhatsApp, recording excellent results in terms of engagement. These include oltre more than 4 million users on Facebook e and involved 1.5 million impressions on Youtube.

+4 million users involved on Facebook

1.5 million impressions on Youtube