Panini Tour 2014

A community of collectors take to the streets

To coin a football metaphor, Panini and Industree form a striking partnership which over the years has scored a great many goals. Starting with the 2003-2004 season, Industree has created and established a lasting partnership with Panini - a relationship which over the years has allowed us to participate proactively in the development plan for the cross-platform launch of one of the oldest and most popular publishing products in Italy: The Panini Footballers Album. The most recent goal scored carries the name Panini Tour 2014 - a multilevel project characterised by significant geographical spread and high structural complexity.

The Footballers Album

For Panini, the Tour is the central moment of the launch plan for the Footballers Album - a living product distinguished by a product life cycle and usage flows that the Tour must be able to interpret, guide and support. 

Industree’s communication campaign is an integral part of the album’s launch, narrating Panini Footballers brand values and highlighting the strong link between professional football, stickers and collectors in a harmonised sequence of TV commercials, radio spots and press and web advertisements.

The twin concepts of "This is my Album" and "This is my story" directly involve the target audience: young adult collectors and football enthusiasts.

Panini on the road

Panini's main objective in structuring the Tour has always been to engage and play with its public, approaching them in the places where they spontaneously choose to meet, in both the virtual and the real world. The Industree Tour is our answer to this need - a series of events spanning Italy from north to south, stopping off at more than 150 different locations including the main squares of all the major Italian cities, small towns and provincial centres, creating opportunities for collectors and the company to play together, exchange stickers and meet up. 

Following a logical itinerary, an authentic village is set up in each location in which collectors of all ages can experience a weekend of immersion in the Panini universe, meeting other collectors, playing with and exchanging stickers with each other and with the company itself. Within the Panini Village, a stand bears display cases with every single sticker in the collection - a magical place where each enthusiast can swap stickers with the very people who created their enduring passion.

The Panini Village

The Panini Village however, is also much more than this. The brand experience which the Tour offers the public is grounded in the opportunity to participate in quizzes, game shows and attend freestyle football trick performances where they can engage with the ball firsthand in a series of simple interactions.

At the end of the three month cycle of events, the resulting attendance numbers speak of a success that make the Panini Tour an appointment which adds value to the company with each yearly edition, and is always most eagerly awaited by collectors.

Town Squares Circuit

The official opening of the Panini Tour, acting as a sounding board for all subsequent events.

It has become a recurring event, highly anticipated by collectors.

The weekend is dedicated to play, to swapping stickers, to taking part in quizzes and memory games.

One of the key objectives is to secure the involvement of the whole family, hence the event has been designed and structured to handle the flow of a huge volume of people.

Swap Circuit

Coinciding with the first phase of the sticker album’s life, the Swap Circuit.

Takes place in small shopping centres.

Aims to distribute the sticker album to the public.

Anticipates the other events taking place during the course of the Tour.

Creates coverage continuity with the shopping centres.

Forms a network of exchange points.

Large Shopping Centre Circuit

Allows penetration of the entire Italian territory.

Intercepts a wide section of the public.

Brings the main activities carried out in the square to an enclosed area.

Creates continuity of events with the other stages of the Tour.

62 different locations
172 event days
18 regions visited
3 months of events
210,000 albums distributed